Evolution of Digital Marketing

"The impact of the daily use of Smartphones"  

Internet users exceed half of the global population.

Mobile phones are increasingly present in today's society. Nowadays, it is common to see how most people use their mobile devices in many moments of their daily lives.
Due to this massive use, and also thanks to the Internet, the advertising agencies have managed to open up endless possibilities. Its what we know as Mobile Marketing. The technological advances that have been achieved in the digital era have meant that many advertising agencies have had to adapt little by little to this new way of understanding marketing.

Marketing campaigns are tailored to the needs of each client.  

Through mobiles, advertising agencies can create innovative marketing campaigns, which improve the position of certain brands.
Mobile Marketing has allowed the client to be completely involved with the company at the time of the sale, always in real time. This is a big change in the world of marketing since brands can retain the consumers they already have and, in addition, attract other potential customers.

Online video represents an infinite number of opportunities for brands, able to connect with a valuable audience that may be interested in the product that we want to offer to them
YouTube has become the favorite channel of users to find audiovisual content.

There is no doubt that currently more video hours are consumed than at any other time in history. Access to high-speed Internet and the massification of smartphones allowed the incorporation of new distribution media.

In conclusion, most people use smartphones, marketing will find more channels of distribution and more opportunities.


  1. https://vimeo.com/319159687



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