Apple's Extended Marketing Mix by Juan Ignacio Clarenc


Apple Inc. designs and produces electronic devices, software, and online services. Its hardware products include the iPhone smartphone, the iPad tablet, the Mac personal computer, iPod media player, the Apple Watch smartwatch and the Apple TV digital media player. Apple offers as well software such as the iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS operating systems.

"Product element of the marketing mix for Apple is marked with simplicity in design and convenience in usage. Apple products are also known for their durability and high quality in general and the company upgrades its products in a periodical manner. Apple products usually integrate innovative features and capabilities". [1]

Among all Apple products, the iPhone stands out from the rest. iPhone is the most important device in Apple's history. This device has become a cult product for the company's fans. The reason for this marketing success is firstly exclusivity. They have put us in the head one of the best marketing campaigns in the world. The second key that has helped create this legion of fans are the fans themselves, and that Apple would not need a single ad to customers to buy their products. This follows a simple logic if I see that many of the people in my circle have an iPhone, bigger chances that I would want it as well. From the product itself to its packaging, Apple sells, among other things, design. Its products look for simplicity in the design as well as making it an intuitive product. The modern and minimalist design is present in the brand itself, from its stores to its product. Apple products are designed to be different, attractive and charming. In addition to fighting for simplicity within complexity. That is, they have very innovative features, but at the same time very simple to use.

Apple represents a case of technological evolution in the world. That is why they do not present more than 2 iPhone models per year, giving all the resources they have to the only model they are about to launch. Any product has a relevant time and this Apple knows and that is why it is constantly changing. The sales of Apple have changed through the cycle of the life of the product. The utilities increase each time that Apple releases a new product and decrease when it loses its importance.
Like any design company, the design process at Apple is not over when manufacturing begins. In fact, Apple performs design during manufacturing. The product is built, tested and revised, then the design team improves it and it is built again. These cycles take 4 to 6 weeks at a time and can be executed many times during the life cycle of a product's development.

Apple's products have achieved such a high level of differentiation (design, operating system), comparing other devices in the market. If we look at the difference between an HP computer, an Acer and a Lenovo that have the same processors, we will see that the 3 products are exactly the same. In contrast, a MacBook is differentiated by its gray color, its illuminated apple tree, its endless battery, its lightweight, its virus-proof operating system etc. That is differentiation. The HP, Acer, and Lenovo are to make a homogeneous product that does not provide any extra value with respect to the rest and whose only argument of purchase is the price. Apple understood that Differentiating their product is the same as creating value.

The following is a review of images of the 7 P of Apple's Marketing mix                                                                   

iPhone the first mobile phone that was three devices in one. 2015

 Steve Jobs showing different prices for similar products but with slight differences. 2009

An example of a typical Apple design in its Apple Store of  Fifth Avenue New York. 2017

 In August 2012 Apple launched a creative billboard campaign in Los Angeles. 2013

The packaging. To unwrapping an Apple product should be a fascinating experience 2017 

This graphic shows the process behind each Apple product. 2018

Apple Store's staff providing effective service to a customer. 2018


Apple launches iPhone XS, XS Max and XR – as it happened ...  2018 Available at:  [Accessed 12 February 2019].

[1] Apple Marketing Mix (Apple 7Ps of Marketing) - Research-Methodology 2018 Available at: [Accessed 12 February 2019].
Así son los quince teléfonos que ha creado Apple antes de ... - Xataka 2017 Available at:  [Accessed 15 February 2019].

Why Apple Is Still A Great Marketer And What You Can Learn - Forbes 2018 Available at: [Accessed 26 February].


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